UNBELIEVABLE - Fred Fornicola - Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors

UNBELIEVABLE – Fred Fornicola

In a word….UNBELIEVABLE! I just got a copy of Randy Roach’s new book Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors and it is amazing. I was in awe of the sheer size of it and the incredible cover, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Randy knows I’m not a big history buff but he has made this book so enjoyable and user friendly that I found myself reading it right away. There’s no doubt this book is going to be a big hit with bodybuilding historians. it will be the only book you’ll ever need when it comes to this topic.


– Fred Fornicola,
Author of “Youth Fitness: An Action Plan For Shaping America’s Kids”
“Dumbbell Training for Strength and Fitness”

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